Sunday 28 August 2011

To Be Blessed by Dimensions

thought I should show you my work in progress...
this chart is by Dimensions, it's title is "To be Blessed"
I'm looking forward to hanging this on my wall one day 
I started it around the end of July 2011
and here's my work in progress...
I have used 11 count white aida for this chart 
as my eyes are not as good as they used to be!
I would really like to get it finished for Christmas 
but I have other things I want to do too
so we will have to see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    My name is Teodora!
    long been looking for this embroidery chart>
    As we watch the same passion!
    Can you please send me e-mail: eu.goblen @
    Aces diagram: "TO BE BLESSED (DIMENSIONS 00308)"
    I owe you one! Thanks in advance!
