Sunday 28 August 2011

To Be Blessed by Dimensions

thought I should show you my work in progress...
this chart is by Dimensions, it's title is "To be Blessed"
I'm looking forward to hanging this on my wall one day 
I started it around the end of July 2011
and here's my work in progress...
I have used 11 count white aida for this chart 
as my eyes are not as good as they used to be!
I would really like to get it finished for Christmas 
but I have other things I want to do too
so we will have to see what happens!

Sunday 21 August 2011

Hello and Welcome to my new blog

Here I am just me! I am hoping to update this blog twice per week, lets see if I can keep it up LOL

Here's a little about me....
I am wife to Kev, we have been happily married for 4 and a half years. I never thought I would marry again....  my first husband died after 20 years of marriage and I spent 5 years as a widow before I met my Kev, he just swept me off my feet and turned my mourning into dancing, we have both had our share of sadnes and now really enjoy being happily marriedLOL
I am mother to Matthew, he is 27 and I am so proud of him he is everything I could ever wish for in a son. Matthew and his partner Micheala gave me my grandson Ethan who will be 8 in October, he is his nanna's little treasure box.
Kev and I live in Lancashire on the Fylde Coast, we have a West highland terrier named Lulu, she is such a character, and brings us so much joy.
I have always loved to do creative stuff, it's the way I chill out and relax, I get such a buzz from making  stuff, it kinda makes my heart smile.
I have enjoyed most crafts, I particularly enjoy rubber stamping and scrapbooking but dont have the room to do it now I live in a small flat.
Not being able to do any papecrafting really bothered me, I felt like part of me was dormant, being creativity is such a part of who I am
Therefore,  I have taken up cross stitch again after quite a long break and I'm enjoying being creative again.
Years ago when my first husband was ill I did a lot of cross stitch it helped pass the hours away as I was his full time carer and couldnt work. Unfortunately I gave all of my work away. I regret the fact that I do not have any of my work hanging on my wall, but now I am going to be a bit more selfish and create pieces for myself.
I will be updating my work in progress here and chatting about other stuff that fills my day.
I hope you will pop back soon or even follow my blog

have a great day